Atelier Marega

Dettagli Prodotto

Product Details

Elenco - Historical Dress - Women Dresses

Panier storico 1700 - accessorio burlesque

Historical Panier 1700 - burlesque accessory

Prezzo: €. 445.00 Price: €. 445.00
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Dettagli Prodotto

Product Details

Fatto a mano

Home made

tessuto, alluminio

fabric, aluminum

Costo Spedizione

Delivery Cost

Spedisci a: Ship to: Express: 10-20gg (10-20 days) €. 30.00

Panier Burlesque

Questo panier è ispirato alla moda del XVIII secolo.
Realizzato interamente a mano, in tessuto con struttura in alluminio: leggerissimo e comodo da indossare.

Taglia unica. Adatto a tutte le taglie.

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Basket Burlesque


This basket is inspired by 18th century fashion.

Made entirely by hand, in fabric with an aluminum structure: very light and comfortable to wear.

One size. Suitable for all sizes.



Request your historical dress or your personalized accessory!


We ship worldwide with GLS, DHL and FedEx.



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